During this crisis we are encouraging everyone coming for on campus worship to please wear a mask and sanitize hands before entering the sanctuary (simply to protect others and yourselves). We have numerous stations set up offering hand sanitizer and masks. We ask that you sit every other pew to help with social distancing.
We miss you all so very much, but want to do our part in reducing any risks as much as we can. Therefore, we will continue to have our online worship services available on our Facebook Page, YouTube Channel, and soon to be on our new website!
We are in our Phase 3 reopening plans:
-Sundays On-Campus Worship at 10:00 a.m.
-120 max
-Moderate Social Distancing
-Facial Coverings Optional (Encouraged)
-Nursery Open (Must Pre-Register & notify Church Office by every Thursday no later than 3:00 p.m.
-Children’s Church Open (Must Pre-Register & notify Church Office just as Nursery)
Plans to fully Reopen by Sept. 13th